
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Aurifil BOM for November 2015 - Selvage Trees

selvages cut to make fabric

I've been wanting to make something with selvages again for awhile. Does this like it could be trees with snow on them?

Click here to get my free  How to Make Selvage Fabric Tutorial 

selvages stored in orange shoe boxes

I have them sorted and stashed in these orange shoe boxes waiting. 

selvages sewn to wrong side of fabric

I took the plunge! The temptation was too great :) 

November Aurifil Block of the Month by Bonnie Christine - click here to the interview with Pat Sloan . Scroll down and you'll find the link to download the pdf.

This time I sewed the selvages to the wrong side of a print in my stash that was having a hard time finding a happy home.

tracing trees onto heat n bond lite

These trees are quite detailed! I would never have drawn trees like this myself to use as applique motifs.

trees fused to selvage fabric

It was a little tricky to cut out the trees with *big scissors* as the fabric was thicker than a single layer of cotton.

But totally worth it!

trees on d schmidt fabric

Then I auditioned fabrics for the background. I hoard love this fabric! I think the flower bunches compete with the trees.

trees on light pink solid background

Then I tried this light pink solid. I am feeling the urge to play with this colour more. We'll see what the new year brings ;) 
Anyway, the trees seem okay on this, but it's not quite *me*. Maybe too much pink for me still.

trees on brown background

I like this! Maybe because I recently finished a quilt with this brown for the background and it feels comfortable to me. It also helps to ground the trees - I didn't like how they floated on the pink. 

The original pattern doesn't include the numbers, by the way. I had some selvage fabric left when I cut out the trees and wanted to use it all up ;)

nov 2015 aurifil bom with pink binding

By the time I finished this mini we did have a little bit of snow. Perfect for taking a photo on! And the pink did make it into this quilt as the binding - maybe a little wide, but I like it.

Now to find it a home in my house!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at the Needle and Thread Network

With Joy,

Sarah V


  1. Like Marjorie, I like the last one too, Sarah! Thank you for walking us through your process.

    Thanks for posting to TN&TN's WIP Wednesday!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!