
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Vacation Time Progress

vacation time quilt block early layout

Today the focus of my  Me Quilting and my Vacation Time Quilt - Pat Sloan and Free Quilt Patterns' Block of the Month. 

It was also an absolutely gorgeous late fall day - sunny and no snow in sight! 

After the first cup of coffee it was down to my quilting space to put up the blocks and the few sashing blocks I had done.
You can see on the bottom row the mess of colour - that's my bathing beauty blocks. They don't have much contrast but they do have some creatures in the centers. I'll show you later;)

yellow inner border for vacation time quilt

It became obvious pretty quickly that I needed more fabric to make my seashell blocks. I started finding extra fabric by cutting the inner border fabric. 

start of units for seashell blocks

The inner border fabric provided a strip of squares for the outer part of the blocks and a 2 inch strip for the inner part. 

seashell block parts paired and piled

I decided to get all of my sea shell block parts ready and then start sewing them together. These piles make their own neat quilt, eh?

busy border block placement

By lunch time I had a few more sea shells in place. 

After lunch as I sat sewing in front of the blocks it started to feel busy.
Too busy.
And too busy for me means it's definitely too busy!!

You can see more Vacation Time Quilts here - notice the less busyness of them :)

like blocks beside each other

I started to place the blocks with the same background fabric into groups. I find it gives the eye a place to rest - even if it's just a little space!
Now with the borders reading (more or less) as one color, the quilt blocks get the attention they deserve again.

sea shell block units left to sew

Of course my plan had been to mix up the sea shell blocks and I don't have 3 the same of some of the blocks. These are the ones I left have to sew. 

blocks moved beside bathing beauties

My afternoon sewing was a bit less because I went for a walk in the beautiful sunshine! I was actually hot by the time I got home. Then I enjoyed some coffee on the front porch!
{You can see what it looked like here this time last year if you are wondering why I'm going on - and on - about the nice weather!}

I had to fiddle with the placement one more time tonight. I moved the fuschia blocks down beside the blurry bathing beauties hoping to make them pop a bit more - or at least distract away from their muddledness. (Spell check is not appreciating my talents tonight ;) )

Tomorrow is another day and my Vacation Time quilt will still be the focus for me. 

I'm linking up with The Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesday.
What's your Work in Progress this week?

With Joy,

Sarah V

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