
Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Birthday Blocks - Scrappy Bento Boxes

my red block

My birthday has come and gone and I still have to share my birthday blocks. For the Birthday Block exchange with my Sloanie friends I decided on a scrappy bento box. I have wanted to make a quilt with this block for over 10 years and decided this was my chance. I asked for the blocks to be made in Christmas colors - not necessarily Christmas fabrics (but that would be fun!) and to use Pat Sloan fabric if they had some.

This is the tutorial I asked people to use  - Scrappy Bento Box Block Tutorial

my birthday blocks

Here are my colorful happy blocks so far! 

dianna block

This one arrived after the group photo shoot;) I love the tree fabric, the elves and the fun train track prints.

I plan to make more blocks to make myself a small lap quilt for Christmas. It's on my list to quilt in November - should give me lots of time to make more blocks!

joyful blooms outside

The giveaway celebrating my 7 year blog anniversary
 is still open until Tuesday, March 1.
to win a copy of the magazine
my quilt Joyful Blooms is published in!

With Joy,

Sarah V


  1. Love your Joyful Blooms quilt, Sarah. And your Scrappy Bento Box Blocks. Since I haven't mailed your birthday present yet, maybe I'll make you a few extra :) But then I would have to use a bigger box.

  2. This was a fun block that I enjoyed making for you Sarah.
    Here is a scrappy bento box quilt I just saw on the internet.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!