
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Holly Jolly Quilt Blocks

Welcome September! School is back in session and wow, what a difference a month makes. Everyone in our house goes back to school with two teachers, a 5th grader and a 12th grader. All different, but the same - kind of like what quilt blocks can look like when we participate in block of the months!

This is the one block project that I have kept up with this year. Maybe it's the incentive to finish a block to receive the next pattern free, or maybe it's because I actually schedule a due date in my "real" calendar and not just my quilting calendar.

I have the next block almost all cut out and will do more tonight as I know my calendar is busy and I want to be done on time!

I am doing other quilting and I will share again soon. This was short and sweet to let you know I'm still quilting, and to touch base with those who are looking to the quilting blogs for some comfort and distraction amidst all the storms and upheaval. 

With Joy,

Sarah V.


  1. Very pretty! School is certainly a big part of life when one has children!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!